Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
August 16, 2024

How Long Should a Giveaway Last?

How Long Should a Giveaway Last?

Giveaways can significantly boost brand visibility. When participants share the giveaway with their network, you can reach a wider audience and attract more potential customers.

To maximize the effectiveness of a giveaway, it is essential to carefully plan every aspect, particularly the campaign's duration. This brings us to the question, “How long should a giveaway last?” 🤔

In this article, we will discuss the importance of setting the right giveaway duration so that you can achieve the best possible results.

Reasons to Set the Right Giveaway Duration

Along with the right incentives, target audience, and promotions, the right giveaway duration can determine the success of your campaign.

Here are reasons why you should consider the length of your giveaway:

To maximize participation

The right duration ensures that enough people have the chance to enter. If the giveaway is too short, potential participants might miss it; if it’s too long, interest might wane. A well-planned duration strikes the right balance to engage the maximum number of participants.

To avoid participant fatigue

Participants might feel bombarded and lose enthusiasm if the giveaway is too frequent.

For instance, frequent emails can put participants off. If they are getting daily updates or reminders, they might start to view them as spam.

Another possible concern is overposting on social media. Sharing the same message repeatedly without new information can cause participants to lose interest.

Imagine a company running a month-long giveaway for a high-value prize. They decide to send daily emails and post multiple times a day on social media to keep the giveaway top-of-mind. Initially, participants are excited, but as they approach the second month, they might start feeling overwhelmed.

To gather valuable insights

A well-planned duration allows you to collect data sufficiently to understand participant behavior and preferences. This data can provide insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and the level of interest in your brand or products.

For instance, you can observe trends in giveaway participation and engagement over time. This includes their responses to promotional activities, entry frequency, and engagement levels. These data offer insights into your target market’s behaviors and preferences.

Factors to Consider When Deciding Giveaway Length

Deciding the giveaway length can be confusing, especially if you don’t have an idea what to consider. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and it depends on a list of factors.

Here are some things to consider:

Marketing goals

Your campaign goals will influence how long your giveaway should be.

For example, if your goal is to create a quick buzz and raise immediate awareness, a shorter giveaway of one to two weeks can be effective. However, if you’re looking for sustained brand awareness, a longer duration of up to a month can help keep your brand top-of-mind.

Here are other marketing goals and their recommended giveaway durations:

  • Lead generation: A moderate duration of two to four weeks is recommended so there’s enough time for you to promote the giveaway and gather a substantial number of leads.
  • Product promotion: If promoting a new product launch, align the giveaway duration with the launch period to maximize impact. This could be a short, intense giveaway lasting one week to build excitement or a longer period of a month to allow more people to try and review the product.

Budget and resources

You also need to consider the financial side of things when deciding on the giveaway duration.

Short-term giveaways typically require less budget and fewer resources but need intense, focused efforts. On the other hand, long-term giveaways need sustained effort and budget but can potentially yield higher engagement and more valuable insights.

If the giveaway involves high-value or multiple prizes, you need to ensure the budget can cover these costs over the chosen duration.

An example of a high-value prize is a luxury vacation package. This can be pricey because the package must include airfare, accommodation, meals, activities, and other perks.

Consider your resources as well, such as team capacity and technology. You might need to hire additional people for specialized roles. Longer or more complex giveaways will likely require dedicated roles for marketing, customer service, data analysis, and more.

Moreover, using automation tools for tasks like email reminders, social media posts, and data collection can help manage longer giveaways more efficiently.

If you’re looking for a platform to make running giveaways easier, consider UpViral. UpViral offers a straightforward setup process, which allows you to create, launch, and manage your giveaway quickly without needing extensive technical knowledge.

Watch this short demo video to see how UpViral works:

Target audience

Consider how your audience consumes content. If they prefer brief, snappy content, a shorter giveaway might be more effective. Conversely, if they enjoy in-depth content and engagement, a longer duration could work better.

For example, a fashion retailer has a target audience primarily made up of young adults (18-25) who engage heavily on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. They prefer quick and visual content.

The fashion retailer can run a 1-week giveaway to give 1 winner a chance to win a $300 shopping spree. The short giveaway matches the audience’s preference for quick and engaging content. To promote it on social media, a rapid series of Instagram Stories, TikTok videos, and Instagram Reels can be posted.

It also helps to know when your audience is most active. For instance, younger audiences might be more engaged in the evenings or on weekends, while professionals might be more active during lunch hours or after work.

Schedule the giveaway duration to align with these peak engagement times to maximize visibility and participation.

Contest format

Different formats engage audiences in varied ways and therefore require different timeframes to be effective. Here’s how the format of the contest can influence the ideal duration:

  • Sweepstakes: Sweepstakes can last from a week to a month. This allows ample time for participants to enter and for you to promote the contest widely.
  • Referral Contests: Referral contests can benefit from a longer duration to allow participants to share the contest and generate referrals.
  • Instant Win Giveaways: Instant win giveaways typically have a short duration because participants are immediately rewarded. This format works well for creating a quick buzz and can be completed in a matter of days.

How Long Should a Giveaway Last?

To give you an idea about setting the optimal giveaway time, here are the common giveaway lengths and their benefits!

Evergreen giveaways

Evergreen giveaways are contests or promotions that are designed to run continuously or regularly without a specific end date.

Unlike traditional giveaways with a set duration, evergreen giveaways are open-ended, allowing participants to enter at any time. Prizes can be drawn at regular intervals such as monthly or quarterly.

Evergreen giveaways can keep your audience engaged continuously and provide a steady stream of interaction and participation. It is also suitable for scaling up as your audience grows, with the ability to adjust the giveaway mechanics as needed.

For instance, Terry Mitchell, co-founder of Sew Much Easier, has successfully used monthly UpViral campaigns to generate over 94,000 leads for his e-commerce business since 2015. His strategy involves running recurring sweepstakes to build his email list.

He sets up an UpViral campaign once a year and clones it for each new month, making minor adjustments as needed. He gives away relevant products, such as a Janome overlocker (see the screenshot above) for sewing enthusiasts, to attract his target audience!

Up to a week (1-7 days)

A giveaway that lasts up to a week is a short-term promotional event designed to engage participants and generate excitement within a limited timeframe.

The limited duration creates a sense of urgency, which encourages participants to enter and act promptly. Short-term campaigns can be more budget-friendly as they require less ongoing advertising spend.

Moreover, the short duration keeps the excitement and enthusiasm levels high throughout the giveaway period. It allows for swift collection of participant data and results. You can quickly analyze the effectiveness of the giveaway and adjust strategies for future campaigns!

This giveaway duration is ideal for boosting visibility and engagement during product launches, sales, or special events. 🎉It is also perfect for seasonal promotions or limited-time offers where a short burst of activity is beneficial.

Up to a month (Upper limit of 30-31 days)

A longer duration might be needed in certain cases so that the giveaway remains visible and engaging for a more extended period. This means that people have more time to enter and re-enter, which increases overall engagement.

Let’s look at this Biotecnika case study as an example, who doubled their leads in just a month! They chose a high-value prize, which was a Molecular Biology Techniques Summer Internship worth $100, to appeal to their target audience in the life sciences sector.

Along with the main prize, smaller unlockable rewards were introduced to maintain participant interest and encourage more sharing. The difficulty of obtaining rewards increased with more effort required to earn points, keeping participants engaged. As a result, they gained 3,370 high-quality leads!

How to Tap Into Your Audience's FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

FOMO stands for "Fear of Missing Out." It’s a psychological phenomenon in which individuals feel anxiety or apprehension that they are missing out on rewarding or enjoyable experiences that others are having.

FOMO is often driven by social media and other online platforms where people see what others are doing, which can create a sense of envy and the desire to participate in those activities.

Here are some ways to tap into your audience’s FOMO:

Countdown timers

Countdown timers are visual tools that display a countdown to a specific date and time. They encourage participants to enter a giveaway before the deadline or perform specific tasks for more chances of winning.

As a result, participants are likely to check back frequently to see how much time is left. Participants may share the giveaway with friends and family to ensure they don’t miss out, which helps expand your reach. The urgency can create a viral effect, as people spread the word quickly to beat the deadline.

💡UpViral has a feature that allows you to add a countdown timer to your campaigns. When you use countdown timers in your giveaways, you can effectively tap into your audience’s FOMO, driving higher participation rates and increasing engagement within your campaign.

Show the contest end date on the landing page

Displaying the end date prominently informs visitors that the opportunity to participate is limited. The clear deadline encourages visitors to act quickly to avoid missing out on the opportunity.

The urgency can lead to a higher rate of immediate entries as visitors don’t want to miss the chance to win.

Knowing the contest end date allows you to plan targeted promotions and reminders, which reinforces the urgency as the deadline nears. You can use phrases like “Enter now before it’s too late!” to amplify the urgency in your marketing materials.

Place the end date at the top of the landing page where it’s immediately visible without scrolling. Use a bold font and clear design to ensure the end date stands out. You can combine the end date with a real-time countdown timer to visually emphasize the urgency.

Include milestone goals (e.g., unlocking smaller rewards along the way)

Milestone goals are intermediate targets or achievements set within a broader campaign or contest.

For example, a participant can earn a discount code for referring 3 friends. For the next milestone, they can be rewarded with a free ebook for referring 5 friends, and so on.

When you set milestone goals, you create several key moments of urgency throughout the campaign. Each milestone achieved can trigger new excitement and a sense of urgency to reach the next one.

Offer additional prizes or rewards when certain milestones are reached. This can incentivize participants to engage more to help achieve these milestones.

Introduce time-sensitive offers or exclusive access to content when milestones are reached, as this can create the urgency to participate before these offers expire.


To answer the question, “How much time do you give for a giveaway?” the answer would depend on several factors such as your marketing goals, budget, resources, target audience, and contest format.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and the duration will differ for every business. If you want more inspiration to run successful giveaways, we invite you to read more UpViral case studies here!

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