Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
September 18, 2024

How to Announce a Giveaway

How to Announce a Giveaway

Running a giveaway offers a fantastic opportunity to engage with your audience and boost your following. It’s a chance to create excitement, drive traffic, and spark interest in your brand.

One important aspect of a successful giveaway is crafting a well-planned announcement. In this article, we’ll teach you how to announce a giveaway so you can maximize its impact and generate buzz.

Why Announcing a Giveaway Matters

A giveaway announcement is like sending out party invitations—it's all about building excitement and letting people know what to expect. Just like a great invite sets the tone for a party, a well-crafted giveaway announcement creates buzz and gets people eager to join in.

Builds buzz and anticipation

A well-crafted announcement generates excitement, informs your audience about the details, and encourages them to participate. This initial excitement can lead to increased engagement, sharing, and interest in your brand!

Increases participation rates

A well-executed giveaway announcement can significantly increase participation rates. By creating excitement and communicating the details of the giveaway, you motivate your audience to take part.

Effective announcements often include engaging visuals, clear instructions, and compelling calls to action, all of which help drive higher participation. 🙌🏼

Helps set expectations

Through giveaway announcements, you can set clear expectations. These announcements provide essential information about entry rules, deadlines, prizes, and any other important details.

This clarity helps avoid confusion and ensures that participants know exactly what to do, which can lead to a smoother execution.

How to Announce a Giveaway

After knowing its benefits, the next question you might have is, “How do you write a giveaway announcement?”

Here are strategies you can use to improve your announcements:

Social Media Posts

Social media platforms have large, diverse user bases, which allow your giveaway to reach a vast audience quickly. It allows for eye-catching visuals and videos that can make your giveaway stand out.

Tailor your giveaway announcement to each platform

Each social media platform has unique features you can take advantage of.

For example, Instagram is a visual platform, so eye-catching content is key. On the other hand, Facebook allows for longer posts, so you can provide more detailed information about the giveaway. You can create a Facebook Event if your giveaway is tied to a specific date or launch.

The right platform also ensures that your message resonates with the specific audience.

For example, Instagram consists of primarily younger users, with a strong presence of Millennials and Gen Z. Their interests include fashion, beauty, travel, lifestyle, and visual content.

Image from: Travel + Leisure

On the other hand, Facebook has a more diverse user base because it appeals to a wide range of age groups, geographic locations, and demographics.

Use eye-catching visuals

Visuals are more likely to grab users' attention as they scroll through their feeds. In a sea of posts, striking visuals immediately grab users' attention and make your giveaway more noticeable.

Compelling images or videos quickly communicate key giveaway details, such as the prize and how to enter. This helps users to understand the giveaway mechanics and participate.

Take advantage of Stories and Reels

Using Stories and Reels for giveaway announcements on platforms like Instagram can be highly effective due to their engaging and temporary nature.  You can make use of Instagram Stories for updates and reminders. Use features like polls or countdowns to increase engagement.

Once the giveaway is live, create a clear and engaging Story that includes all essential details: how to enter, the prize, and the deadline. Repost user-generated content or entries to your Stories to show appreciation for participants. This also encourages others to join in.

Email Marketing

Email allows you to reach your subscribers directly in their inbox, which ensures that your message is seen by people who have already expressed interest in your brand.

Emails offer space for detailed explanations about the giveaway, including how to enter, prize details, rules, and deadlines. Through email, you can provide comprehensive information without the constraints of social media character limits.

One great example of email marketing is Terry Mitchell’s case study. Terry is the co-founder of Sew Much Easier, which is an Australia-based e-commerce business. He and his wife have been running monthly giveaways for their business.

Terry announces the winner for the previous month in an announcement email. This email has high open rates, so it was also an effective tool to promote their products and remind the audience to enter the current month’s giveaway.

Make your emails personalized

You can personalize email content to target specific segments of your audience based on their preferences, behaviors, or past interactions. This increases the relevance of your giveaway announcement.

Use personalized greetings by addressing recipients by their first name in the subject line and body of the email. This adds a personal touch and increases open rates.

Send personalized reminder emails leading up to the giveaway deadline. Mention the recipient’s previous engagement to encourage action.

🤓Read our article: How to Use Email Personalization to Increase the Impact of Your Emails

Exclusive early access

Exclusive early access to a giveaway means that a select group of people, often including loyal subscribers or VIP customers, get the chance to enter the giveaway before it is made available to the general public.

Use a subject line that emphasizes the exclusivity of early access, such as “Exclusive Early Access: Be the First to Enter Our Giveaway!”

Clearly explain the advantages of early access, such as increased chances of winning or being the first to experience the giveaway prize. Mention that early access is a special privilege for subscribers, and make them feel valued.

Clear CTAs

Be direct and specific in your giveaway announcement emails. Use action verbs like “Enter Now,” “Join the Giveaway,” or “Claim Your Chance” in your giveaway announcement caption to state what you want recipients to do clearly.

Clearly outline the steps for entry. For example, “Click the button below to enter” or “Follow these steps to win.” Place a prominent CTA early in the email so recipients don’t have to scroll to find it.

One example is Kurnell Christmas Market’s CTA on their opt-in page:

The headline, "WIN a day of SHOPPING at the Kurnell Christmas Market," clearly conveyed what participants could win and where. The description highlighted the prize's value ($500), which helped boost conversions, as people are more likely to engage when they perceive the prize as valuable.

The call-to-action button text, "FREE TO ENTER," emphasizes that participation is completely free. The word "free" is one of the most persuasive and compelling words, and this prompted visitors to take immediate action. This can be applied not just to opt-in pages but also to emails!

Website Pop-Ups and Banners

Website pop-ups and banners are highly effective tools for announcing giveaways because they capture attention and engage visitors directly.

Website banner

Banners typically appear at the top or bottom of the webpage and offer constant visibility without being intrusive. Placing a banner at the top ensures that it's one of the first things visitors see. A footer banner can stay visible as visitors scroll down, and keep the giveaway top-of-mind while they browse your site.

Use images of the giveaway prize or related visuals to make the banner more appealing and instantly recognizable. Ensure the text is large, clear, and easy to read at a glance. The key message, such as "Enter Our Giveaway!" or "Win Big Today!", should be prominently displayed.

Pop-up notifications

Pop-ups are hard to miss and appear right in front of the user as soon as they land on your site. This ensures that every visitor is aware of your giveaway.

You can either display the pop-up as soon as visitors land on your page or trigger it when users are about to leave your site. Another option is to Set the pop-up to appear after users have scrolled a certain percentage of the page. This ensures the pop-up is shown to engage visitors who are already browsing your content.

Use striking images, such as a picture of the giveaway prize, and bold, bright colors to make the pop-up stand out without being overwhelming.

Collaborations with Influencers

Influencers have established followers who trust their recommendations. By collaborating with influencers, you can reach a wider audience that may not be familiar with your brand but trusts the influencer’s endorsement.

Look for influencers that are well-known to your target audience. For example, iStyle, a premium Apple reseller based in Romania, partnered with Codin Maticiuc, who was a Romania-based businessman, producer, and author. Codin had over 300K followers.

Co-branded giveaways

Co-branded giveaways involve two or more brands partnering together to run a giveaway, often in collaboration with influencers. When you collaborate with an influencer on a co-branded giveaway, the influencer serves as the bridge between both brands and introduces the giveaway to their followers.

Select partner brands and influencers whose audiences overlap with your target demographic. For example, a beauty brand could collaborate with a skincare brand and a beauty influencer to run a giveaway that appeals to the same audience.

Sponsored announcements

Sponsored announcements in collaboration with influencers involve paying influencers to promote your giveaway through their social media channels or other platforms.

Select influencers who can naturally promote your brand and giveaways. Their promotion should feel authentic, not like a forced ad, to maintain credibility with their audience.

Set a goal to boost the number of participants in your giveaway. This could be measured through entries, social media shares, or website visits. If your goal is to increase followers, make sure that the influencer promotes your brand’s social media handles as a requirement for entry.

Blog Posts

A blog post allows you to go in-depth about the giveaway. You can explain the rules, prizes, eligibility, and deadlines clearly. Unlike social media posts, where space is limited, a blog gives you the freedom to answer potential participant questions and reduce confusion.

Write a detailed blog post about your giveaway

Start with a captivating introduction that grabs attention and sets the stage for your giveaway. You can begin with a question, intriguing fact, or exciting statement to pique interest. For example, "Ever dreamed of winning [Prize Name]? Your chance is here!"

Provide all essential details about the giveaway to ensure participants know what’s at stake and how to get involved. This includes the prize details, eligibility requirements, and entry instructions.

Incorporate SEO keywords

Using relevant keywords helps your blog post rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), and makes it easier for potential participants to find your giveaway.

A well-optimized post reaches a more interested audience, which can lead to better engagement rates, including more entries and social shares.

Start by identifying the keywords that are relevant to your giveaway. Incorporate keywords in key areas of your blog post to improve SEO. Include your primary keyword in the blog post title, and early in the introduction to grab attention and set the context.

Other than these, sprinkle it throughout the body of your post, in your CTA, meta description, and URL Slug.


Cross-promotion is the practice of using various marketing channels and platforms to promote the same message or campaign. In the context of giveaways, it means sharing and advertising your giveaway across different platforms and through different methods to reach a broader audience.

For example, you can write a detailed blog post announcing the giveaway, and share snippets of the blog post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also include an announcement in your weekly newsletter with a link to the blog post.

🤓Read our article: Content Marketing for Lead Generation: How It Works

Paid Advertising

Paid ads ensure that your giveaway announcement reaches a larger audience beyond your existing followers and subscribers. Unlike organic methods, paid advertising can quickly generate visibility, which is especially important if your giveaway has a tight deadline.

Run ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google

Choose the social media platforms where your target audience is most active, such as Facebook or Instagram. Use targeting features to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. For example, you can target users interested in similar products or those who follow relevant influencers.

One giveaway announcement sample is Be Thrifty’s Facebook advertisement. The ad text was concise, as it stated the prize, entry method, and notification date, while the image mirrored this information.

To maintain consistency, the same image was used on the landing page and across Instagram Reels and Stories.

When using Google Ads, create search ads that appear when users search for relevant keywords related to your giveaway or prize. You can also design visually appealing banner ads that appear across Google’s Display Network, and target websites and apps that your audience frequents.

Retargeting campaigns

Retargeting (or remarketing) involves displaying ads to users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your content but did not take the desired action, such as entering your giveaway. These ads remind them of your giveaway and encourage them to complete the entry process.

Use messages that remind users about the giveaway and the benefits of participating. Tailor the ad copy based on the user’s previous interaction. For example, if they visited the giveaway page but didn’t enter, highlight the ease of entering.

Final Thoughts

Announcing a giveaway effectively requires a blend of creativity and strategy. By implementing diverse giveaway announcement ideas, such as leveraging social media platforms, crafting engaging email campaigns, and utilizing paid advertising and retargeting, you can create significant buzz and drive high participation rates.

If you’re interested in running a giveaway, check out UpViral today!

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