Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
June 6, 2017

The Power of Simplified Selling

The Power of Simplified Selling

In episode #23, Wilco talks about a cool strategy that he use often in order to get more customers through the door.






Hey, hey, it's Wilco de Kreij here, and let me ask you a quick question. Do you want to improve your conversions? Do you want to sell more stuff? If that's you, then yes, then this episode is specifically for you. If you don't want to improve your conversion, if you don't want to sell more, then no need to listen, then you probably hate money and you hate to grow your business, but if you do, then please keep on listening. This is all about a cool strategy that I use as often as I can in order to get more customers through the door. It doesn't really matter whether you're selling something online or offline, whether you're selling a product or a service or whatever you are selling, this pretty much works on everything.

This is what I call the power of simplification, right? If you have been following me, or if you've seen for example, the sales videos that I put out, the sales pages that I put out, then you've probably already seen it in action. Basically what this is all about is that the problem as being an entrepreneur, or the problem as being the product creator, or the problem as being the marketer, like sometimes we tend to go overboard when people would ask us like hey, what does this product do? I mean, if someone asks me hey, what does a Upviral do, then I could be talking for hours, because I'm such a nerd.

I'm like talking about yeah, does this, it does that, it does that, but the problem is that when someone comes to your page that never heard of you before or they come across you, maybe not even on your site, maybe in person, but you want to explain a concept of what a product actually does but in a couple of seconds, right? Usually as soon as you go into the technical stuff, you lost them already. You don't want to bore them with like the technical stuff because they don't even know why they should be listening. Something I've been doing is I've sort of been trying to create an analogy to simplify the whole thing.

I'm going to give you a couple of examples too to make that more clear, but basically I'm trying to find something in the real world that makes whatever the product does more relatable or more easy to understand. For example, I'm not sure if you know about ConnectorRetarget, it's one of the tools that we sell. I could be, like if someone would go to the sales pitch of ConnectRetarget, I could right out of the gate start saying like hey, you want to improve your retargeting on Facebook, you can do it by using ConnectRetarget, it's behavioral retargeting and then you can retarget based on how long they stayed in your sites or how far they scrolled down.

You can do all these amazing things, it's behavioral retargeting, it's awesome and you'll get better retargeting results. I could do that, right? I could do that, but I also know that part of my audience isn't even up to speed yet, right? Part of my audience, they don't even know what, at the moment they land on my page, they don't even know what to expect, right? What I was thinking about when I was putting together the sales video for that one, I was like all right, so how do I explain this in simple terms? What I used is, and you also see this if you go to this, I actually recommend you check out the sales video for ConnectRetarget, you'll see, it will make more sense.

Basically how I start the video is something like this, hey imagine you're in a shop and in this shop there's ten people and from those ten people there's nine people who immediately leave the shop without buying but there's one person who, he's walking around the shop and he's checking all your products out and then eventually he also leaves the shop without making a purchase. Imagine you have one shot, you can convince one of those ten people, to try to convince them to become a customer, right? You could give them a discount or you could do something to bribe them and to get them to come back and make a purchase. Who would you go after?

Those nine people who clearly weren't even remotely interested or that one person was clearly interested but for some reason they didn't actually pull the trigger. By making it, by explaining it in like a story base, because I'm doing it based on a story and on the video I actually visualize, I'm not just saying that, I'm not just on my screen talking about it, I actually, you see some people walk in the shop and things like that. I try to tell them a story, try to get them, instead of being an obvious sales page or being an obvious sales video, I tell them a story about that.

By the end of this one minute story, they'll understand, every prospect will understand like the difference between just approaching everyone the same way or the fact that some customers or some potential customers, I have to say, some visitors, are going to be more valuable than others. Then right after, I basically introduce the problem, because now they understand this part. By simplifying the process, by giving them a real world example and right after I tell them, all right cool, the problem is that when using Facebook there's no way to make a distinction between these two people.

Facebook just thinks that every visitor is the same way. There's no way you can actually retarget based on how long people stay in your site or how far they actually scroll down on your site, things like that, but you know what? Here's the solution, ConnectRetarget can do that. That's basically what the pitch is in a nutshell. This exact same principle, I've used it multiple times and every single time it works, it plain works because as soon as I start talking right away about the technical things, it's so much harder to convince them of the point that I'm trying to make.

While if I would actually, now what I'm here doing is like just by using a real world example, makes it easier to understand, makes it less techy and vague and all of that. After I'm sure that they understand that initial concept that I wanted to know, then I can actually, then the pain point is going to be way more effective. That's what I say, like the pain point I mean is that the problem that people have. If I would just say hey, you need to run behavioral retargeting, people are like why would I need that? I don't really need that, but by simplifying it and making it relatable to a real world story or a real world example, it makes it so much easier.

I do this in various of my products actually. For example, I'll give you another example actually, so we also have a tool called ConnectExplore. If you go to the sales page you'll be able to find that sales video as well. One of the things it does, it does quite a few things but obviously we cannot mention everything right in the sales video right away. I mean that's also the power of simplification, right, you don't want to throw everything that your product does, you want to focus on some key things that you think are going to convince your customers. That's also an important lesson.

Basically what it does, it allows you to find more and better interest on Facebook. Instead, once again, instead of saying hey, we have this tool and it will help you to find more interest or maybe even start off hey, you know what? You want to target the interest that your competitors won't be able to find and here's how you do it. Even that way, it wouldn't work as good as what I think as what we currently did and that is that I make a simple analogy saying something like hey, you know, imagine you're going fishing and you have two options.

You can either go to the local fishing point, which is like crowded with fishermen and everyone is going for the same fish or you can actually go to a hidden pond which is actually filled with trout, like there's loads of fish but nobody's there to fish. Which would you go for? In their mind it's going to be like of course I want to go for the hidden pond. That's obvious. That's where you want to be. Then I tell them like, all right, it's the exact same thing on Facebook. It's the exact same thing, people are always going for the same interests, like it's the crowded pond, everyone is going for the same interests but you know what?

There's actually interest that your competitors won't be able to find and that is where ConnectExplore comes in. Once again, I'm just simplifying it. I'm making an analogy in the real world, which might not seem as related right away, I mean, a local fishing point has nothing to do with Facebook obviously, but it's the exact same concept. It's the exact same thing. By using these kind of examples in the beginning of my sales video, it just helped me a lot to explain the more technical solutions. I'm not sure about you, I'm not sure about what kind of product or service you are selling in your business but I know that often because we're so excited about our own products, it's so easy to over complicate things.

It's so easy to confuse our prospects and because of that, we already lost them and of course part of your audience, they're going to understand. Part of your audience will actually get it, but by making this simple analogy, like you're not excluding those people. People who are smart enough to instantly get it, they will still follow using the simple analogy but for those of you who might be a little bit confused by your explanation, you make sure that they'll understand more and better of your product compared to without doing this simplification process.

What I highly recommend you to do, for everyone who's selling something online or offline, it doesn't really matter, try to think of like a real world example or a real world analogy that you can leverage or use to simplify what your product does, or maybe not even what your product does but maybe even the point that you're trying to make. Just like I did with ConnectRetarget, I'm not even showing, I'm even talking about retargeting, I'm just giving them, I'm making clear, making the point clear that not every visitor is equal. Some visitors, if they engage with your shop they are more valuable basically and only after that I make the point, right?

On Facebook that's not possible, it's only possible using our tool, ConnectRetarget. Yeah, I hope that helps for everyone. It's definitely some food for thought. What I usually do is whenever I, I just write things down in my notebook and usually it takes a while to really get to a good analogy that is really simple and easy to explain. You can even do a test run on your friends or people around you, your family, like hey, if I do it like this, does that make sense or not? That usually helps me a lot as well. I hope it helps and I will talk to you all soon.

"By simplifying it and making it relatable to a real world story or a real world example, it makes it so much easier."

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