How Casa Grande Institute Generated 143,589 Leads Using UpViral!

How Casa Grande Institute Generated 143,589 Leads Using UpViral!

While we have a lot of very successful businesses that use UpViral, you're about to learn about the business that accumulated the most leads in 2023!

Casa Grande Institute generated a staggering 1,207,733 leads using UpViral.

It just goes to show the true power of UpViral and Viral marketing.

Imagine generating over 1.2M leads for your business. How much extra revenue would that equate to? How many new customers would that result in? How would that change your life? A lot, right?

So, let's break down Case Grande's success! 💪🏻

We're going to be dissecting one of their campaigns in detail which generated a total of 143,589 leads, which included 114,895 referred leads. See the screenshot below:

Let's Get to Know More About Casa Grande Institute

Before we need to dive into the specifics of the campaign, let's talk about who Casa Grande Institute is and why they decided to use UpViral. Casa Grande Institute is an educational institution that is dedicated to providing both in-person and online training for teachers, managers, and educational maintainers.

Case Grande's main objective for utilizing UpViral was to boost its leads, increase event visibility, and amplify its outreach efforts.

They aimed to connect with a broader audience, tapping into new markets and demographics to increase their brand's reach.

By growing their email subscribers, they could achieve this goal more effectively. This strategy was also meant to build stronger relationships with their existing followers. By using UpViral they hoped to achieve a significant boost in leads and brand awareness.

Why Casa Grande's Campaign Was So Effective

As I mentioned in the introduction of this article, what was so impressive was the number of referred leads generated in this campaign.

For every direct lead generated, there were four additional leads referred… This is very impressive when you think about it.

You're essentially getting a 400% increase in leads without putting in any extra work or effort. This is one of the key reasons why viral marketing is so effective.

The power of this strategy lies in how it encourages your existing audience to become brand advocates, spreading the word and bringing in new customers to you.

The Incentives That Were Given Away

They offered a mix of prizes, including digital e-books and online courses for lower scores, as well as tangible items like mugs, t-shirts, thermal cups, projectors, cell phones, tablets, and Echo Show devices.

Rather than just providing a discount, they chose to present a variety of options to appeal to a wider audience and cater to different tastes and interests.

Therefore, there was something for everyone, whether they preferred educational resources or practical gadgets.

By offering a broad selection of prizes, they aimed to keep participants engaged throughout the campaign.

This variety also had the added benefit of attracting a diverse group of people to join the giveaway, ultimately broadening their reach and results!

Structuring Incentives In a Tierred Manner

As people accumulate more points, they have the chance to win more valuable and expensive rewards.

This setup creates a clear hierarchy of prizes based on the effort put forth by each participant.

It's noticeable that more people won the less expensive gifts because these required fewer points to obtain, making them easier to win.

As such, there was a higher number of winners for the lower-tier prizes compared to the higher-tier ones.

Despite the disparity in the number of winners for different prize levels, having a tiered incentive system is crucial for increasing participation.

Motivating Participants with Incentives At All Levels

Those who want to aim for the top prizes will put in more effort, while others can still be satisfied with the easier-to-obtain gifts.

This multi-level approach boosts overall engagement and encourages a larger number of people to take part.

Here is what the shared post looked like:

Notice the simple and direct call to action. This is super important!

A big mistake a lot of people will make is trying to be too elaborate with the post, having several calls to action, or simply jumping around too much.

It's very important to have 1 single call to action.

🤓 Read the article: Call to Action Examples That Will Increase Your Conversions

Simplicity Is Key to a Successful Landing Page

One thing you'll notice right away is its simplicity, which is a key factor for success. A landing page that is too complex can deter participants and lower conversions significantly.

The most important elements you need on the page are a strong headline and subheadline that immediately grab attention and clearly communicate the value proposition.

What's more, you should include fields for capturing a name and email address. This minimalistic approach keeps the focus on the main goal of capturing leads.

You don't need a lot of additional steps or unnecessary information on the landing page. Keeping it straightforward helps guide participants smoothly through the process, making them more likely to convert.

By prioritizing clarity and ease of use, you can boost conversions.

Simplifying the landing page ensures visitors can quickly understand what you're offering and how to participate in your campaign.

Next up Is the Share Page, Where Simplicity Is Once Again at the Forefront

The design clearly displays how many points you earn for each share, making it easy for people to track their progress and understand how their efforts translate into rewards. The straightforward layout of the share page plays a crucial role in maximizing engagement and participation.

When participants can easily see how their actions contribute to their point totals, they're more likely to continue sharing your campaign.

The clear correlation between sharing and earning points also encourages users to keep sharing!

As such, this helps you generate higher volume leads.

By creating a transparent process, you can optimize the success of your campaign and encourage a broader reach.

Case Grande’s Results Over the Lifetime of Using UpViral

They've generated a total of 1,207,733 leads, from which 804,894 are referred leads.

Overall, Casa Grande was more than satisfied with the results UpViral provided. Check out the testimonial video below:

Referral marketing and UpViral have the power to help you build a gigantic list which means you have more people to sell your products and services to.

We hope you enjoyed this case study. For more success stories, check out our Case Studies. 🔥 Want to try UpViral? Start generating leads today.


Table of Contents

Start Using The World's Most Complete Viral Referral System

Generate traffic, grow your list and convert subscribers into customers.

Viral Sweepstakes

Whip up a frenzy of social shares and new referrals with UpViral’s fully - featured sweepstakes.

Viral Rewards

Host giveaways to create a huge buzz and generate leads on demand, with no need for paid traffic.

Viral Waitlists

Get the ultimate edge with a viral waitlist that builds your customer base before you launch.

Getting Started Is Easy.

3 simple steps and your business is ready to go viral.



Your Business. Your Way.

UpViral gives you the flexibility to create the right contest for your business goals.

And the campaign wizard will walk you through process with ease.

Your Funnel. Optimised.

Choose from templates that've generated millions of leads and millions of dollars in sales.

Then make simple customisations to match your offer.





Your Leads. Anywhere.

We can host your viral campaign or you can embed it on your own site.

When you're ready to start collecting leads, press publish.

GABE SCHILLINGER Testimonial Image


"Because of UpViral, we were able to pull it off and did over $200,000 in sales! Which helped me realize that the ceiling on what I thought was possible in our industry is actually so much higher."


Abdel Mussa Image

"Upviral Has Easily Paid For Itself!"

"Before buying UpViral, I didn’t know what to expect, too many marketers promise big and under-deliver. I purchased UpViral and tried it out. UpViral has easily paid for itself. If I compare its results to what I would have had to pay on Facebook to get those same leads! Definitely a good investment."


United Kingdom
Michael Cooch Image

Responsive Leads

"UpViral has proven to be the simple, effective and affordable viral contest app we were looking for. It helped us build a responsive 30,000+ list in a new market in less than six months."


Judy Jong Image

"I'm A Newbie At This!"

"I had the privilege to be on of the beta testers of UpViral... So far I've already added 450 leads to my account... This may not seem like a lot, but I am a newbie with this by no means a Facebook guru... Getting 450 from my small niche websites is a LOT harder, so I will definitely continue building my list using UpViral!... You have a fan Wilco and I am sure other people will love UpViral too... Keep up the good work!"


The Netherlands
Steven VD Peijl Image

"740 Organic Leads in 2 Weeks!"

"UpViral has a huge impact on 2 of my projects! On the first project I used it to build up an early bird list which got us 740+ leads in just 2 weeks (all organic) with a 289.2% compound conversion rate!... When applying the same strategy to our second project it generated 1000+ leads!... I highly recommend using UpViral in your business. Wilco's products are always top-notch!"


Arthur Jansen Image

"The Results Are Amazing!"

"UpViral is a wonderful tool that enables you to reach skies of online marketing. The results are amazing!"


The Netherlands
Paul Kutilin Image

"9000 Leads in 2 Weeks!"

"We used UpViral to promote our congress (local event) and the results were... shocking. We got more than 9000 leads through this tool in two weeks! We will definitely use UpViral for our other projects in the future. Thanks a lot for this tool!"


Faruk Barber Image

"Viral Referral Marketing At Its Best!"

Thanks yo Wilco, even guys like me can start building huge lists!


The Netherlands
Nikolai Leuveld Image

"UpViral Rocks!"

"UpViral Rocks! We spent a little less than €200 on ad spend to promote our UpViral giveaway, resulting in 4,339 subscribers and €16.320 in revenue within 6 weeks (and from there it kept on going). Been using it ever since!"


Aldo Novak Image

"I HAVE To Tell You How Impressed I Am!"

"After one of your videos I decided to give it a try. The results? Well, 10 minutes after publishing the link at Facebook, I received 20 new leads. Now, I have got 718 leads with ONE campaign! Wow!! THANK YOU!"


Travis Luedke Image

"Well Over 15,000 Leads!"

"I have found UpViral is more effective than any other giveaway software/platform I've tried... It's my "go-to" lead collecting tool for all my giveaways. It's so versatile, with so many options, I'm still playing with it to learn new ways to use it. To date, I've collected well over 15,000 leads with UpViral."



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