Florence Scores 24,523 Leads in Only 30 Days with Her Very First UpViral Campaign

Florence Scores 24,523 Leads in Only 30 Days with Her Very First UpViral Campaign

One of the biggest factors in whether or not a business succeeds or fails is resilience.

In other words, when the world turns upside down, do you throw your hands up in despair and resign yourself to failure because you can’t or won’t adapt?

Or do you pivot and make lemonade when the universe hands you lemons?

Quantum Way, a company that helps psychologists, therapists, coaches, and also people with interests in psychology and personal development had to ask that question in 2020 when the worst of the pandemic struck.

At that time their business model focused on hosting live summits featuring speakers, trainers and other experts in the psychology and personal development fields.

But when live events were shut down in 2020 because of Covid restrictions, Quantum Way was no longer able to host their live summits.

That’s when Florence Bernard, a former marketer and therapist with the company decided it was time to digitize Quantum Way’s business model and hold their summits online.

The timing was perfect as Quantum Way recognized that the pandemic was a significant source of fear and anxiety for many. They wanted to reach as many people as they could with free coping resources. In response, the company had 50,000 people register for their first online summit.

Quantum Way held another online summit in December 2020, but it was not as successful as the first. The company had conquered the process of taking a business online, but they didn’t yet have a good source of inexpensive traffic and targeted leads for their events.

By early 2021, Quantum Way was slowly losing subscribers to attrition. This is a normal occurrence in any online business, but one that must be addressed without delay.

Florence saw the need to create a new event to attract fresh subscribers and customers to the business. But there was a catch.

With speaker, translator costs and marketing costs quickly racking up ahead of the next online summit, Florence knew she needed a competitive edge to make this event a massive success. Enter UpViral.

With her very first UpViral campaign, Florence added 24,523 targeted leads to Quantum Way’s subscriber list.

A Serendipitous Email Changes Everything

As Quantum Way was preparing to host their 2021, Florence received an email from a German competitor that proved to be a game-changer.

Florence and Quantum Way immediately recognized the potential of Upviral to help fill their event (and the company’s bank account, too.)

Success leaves clues. Paying attention to what others are doing in your space and making it your own can lead to massive breakthroughs in business.

So Quantum Way decided to give UpViral a try and signed up for an account. Not coincidentally, they decided to adopt the same strategy as their competitor did:

Fill the seats with UpViral leads and sell the event replays on the backend.

Quantum Way’s Goal was not Campaign Perfection

Only three weeks out from Quantum’s next online summit, Florence dove right in with an UpViral campaign to promote the event. She didn’t stress that her campaign was perfect before she launched it. She already had proof of concept from her German competitor.

UpViral’s simple-to use features and built-in analytics allowed Florence to quickly launch and make tweaks to the campaign on the fly.

She loved that UpViral’s share pages gave Quantum Way’s audience many ways to share the campaign, increasing traffic to the campaign for free.

Thank You Page Features Invite More Shares

Florence’s thank you page features two critical elements that contributed to the overall success of her campaign.

The thank you page not only welcomes the registrant, but also informs them to check their spam folder if they do not receive a welcome email and to contact support if they still do not receive an email.

Lastly, the thank you page also contains a video that explains how the referral campaign works and how to share to earn points. Usually, this video would appear ‘above the fold,’ but Florence chose to insert it at the bottom of the thank you page.

Her reasoning was that she wanted people to start sharing immediately, and if they weren’t sure how to, the video would explain the process.

Whether above or below the fold, including a video on your share page ups the odds your campaign will be shared!

Keep Engagement High with Strategic Emails

Florence knew that the average registrant might share the campaign with one or two people, but then would quickly forget to share unless they were reminded.

So she created a series of emails to keep excitement about the upcoming summit high, and also remind registrants to share for a chance to win event replays, a much desired prize.

Florence also made sure to include a sharing link in each email.

Here are some examples of the emails she sent:

Prize Selection

UpViral founder Wilco de Kreij recommends that in order to maximize back-end sales (the real point of any lead generation campaign) it is critical to offer prizes based on what your business sells. That’s why the prize Quantum Way offered was a pack of replays from the summit – something people were already willing to pay €297 for.

Florence says:

She adds, “Sure, we might have got more registrations with a trip to Hawaii, but ultimately those people probably wouldn’t be interested in our products. It would be a waste of time, money and effort to offer that kind of a prize.”

Interestingly, Florence also opted to run a milestone campaign rather than a simple sweepstakes. The reason for this is Quantum Way has many other products such as videos, meditations, and PDFs as well as coupon codes to offer.

The milestone structure offered registrants more chances to win and consume Quantum Ways products. This decision primed the way for future sales far more than a simple sweepstakes campaign would have.

Related article: How to Choose a Contest Prize That Attracts Qualified Leads and Helps You Go Viral

One Campaign, Two Languages

An interesting twist to this campaign was since Quantum Way had both French and English speaking customers, they decided to run two campaigns at once, each featuring the respective languages.

UpViral’s personalization features that include geo targeting and language-based segmentation (available with UpViral Business plan) make it easy to pull off advanced marketing strategies like this.

Plus, UpViral’s visual editor makes it a breeze to clone and quickly edit pages for split testing purposes.

Another UpViral feature that enabled Florence to maximize campaign share is the advanced analytics and email segmentation features. These features allow users to view registrants’ progress, and send them tailored messages encouraging them to share your campaign.

Campaign Results

The combined English & French campaign resulted in 15,700 direct leads and an additional 7771 referred leads for a total of 24,523 leads in only 30 days.

That means for every two registrations, one referral was generated. This exceptionally good result is a testament to Florence’s excellent follow up emails, great audience targeting and hyper-relevant milestone prize selection made easy with UpViral’s many automation features.

Florence also invested approximately € 2000 in Facebook ads to seed the audience. This is a very small ad spend when you consider the total number of leads generated for this campaign.

These incredible results made Florence and Quantum Way into true believers when it comes to the power of UpViral. Florence jumped in, experimented, tweaked and got phenomenal results with her first UpViral campaign.

That’s why our marketing manager, William Vanhout encourages anyone who is thinking about starting an UpViral campaign to dive right in and get started:

“You can always do better but you learn from experience and then you improve things as you go along. The campaign that you do next year or the one you have coming later this year will probably be better than this one. To get started don’t try to get it perfect the first time because it won’t be perfect. But at least it gets you going. You get the first few leads in and then you start improving over time. It’s a skill that you’re going to learn and master. Keep working on it – UpViral has a really great support team to help you out if you get stuck at any point.”

So if you’ve been thinking of trying UpViral, what’s holding you back? Grab yourself a 14-day trial for only $1 and see if you become an UpViral believer too!

Table of Contents

Start Using The World's Most Complete Viral Referral System

Generate traffic, grow your list and convert subscribers into customers.

Viral Sweepstakes

Whip up a frenzy of social shares and new referrals with UpViral’s fully - featured sweepstakes.

Viral Rewards

Host giveaways to create a huge buzz and generate leads on demand, with no need for paid traffic.

Viral Waitlists

Get the ultimate edge with a viral waitlist that builds your customer base before you launch.

Getting Started Is Easy.

3 simple steps and your business is ready to go viral.



Your Business. Your Way.

UpViral gives you the flexibility to create the right contest for your business goals.

And the campaign wizard will walk you through process with ease.

Your Funnel. Optimised.

Choose from templates that've generated millions of leads and millions of dollars in sales.

Then make simple customisations to match your offer.





Your Leads. Anywhere.

We can host your viral campaign or you can embed it on your own site.

When you're ready to start collecting leads, press publish.

GABE SCHILLINGER Testimonial Image


"Because of UpViral, we were able to pull it off and did over $200,000 in sales! Which helped me realize that the ceiling on what I thought was possible in our industry is actually so much higher."


Abdel Mussa Image

"Upviral Has Easily Paid For Itself!"

"Before buying UpViral, I didn’t know what to expect, too many marketers promise big and under-deliver. I purchased UpViral and tried it out. UpViral has easily paid for itself. If I compare its results to what I would have had to pay on Facebook to get those same leads! Definitely a good investment."


United Kingdom
Michael Cooch Image

Responsive Leads

"UpViral has proven to be the simple, effective and affordable viral contest app we were looking for. It helped us build a responsive 30,000+ list in a new market in less than six months."


Judy Jong Image

"I'm A Newbie At This!"

"I had the privilege to be on of the beta testers of UpViral... So far I've already added 450 leads to my account... This may not seem like a lot, but I am a newbie with this by no means a Facebook guru... Getting 450 from my small niche websites is a LOT harder, so I will definitely continue building my list using UpViral!... You have a fan Wilco and I am sure other people will love UpViral too... Keep up the good work!"


The Netherlands
Steven VD Peijl Image

"740 Organic Leads in 2 Weeks!"

"UpViral has a huge impact on 2 of my projects! On the first project I used it to build up an early bird list which got us 740+ leads in just 2 weeks (all organic) with a 289.2% compound conversion rate!... When applying the same strategy to our second project it generated 1000+ leads!... I highly recommend using UpViral in your business. Wilco's products are always top-notch!"


Arthur Jansen Image

"The Results Are Amazing!"

"UpViral is a wonderful tool that enables you to reach skies of online marketing. The results are amazing!"


The Netherlands
Paul Kutilin Image

"9000 Leads in 2 Weeks!"

"We used UpViral to promote our congress (local event) and the results were... shocking. We got more than 9000 leads through this tool in two weeks! We will definitely use UpViral for our other projects in the future. Thanks a lot for this tool!"


Faruk Barber Image

"Viral Referral Marketing At Its Best!"

Thanks yo Wilco, even guys like me can start building huge lists!


The Netherlands
Nikolai Leuveld Image

"UpViral Rocks!"

"UpViral Rocks! We spent a little less than €200 on ad spend to promote our UpViral giveaway, resulting in 4,339 subscribers and €16.320 in revenue within 6 weeks (and from there it kept on going). Been using it ever since!"


Aldo Novak Image

"I HAVE To Tell You How Impressed I Am!"

"After one of your videos I decided to give it a try. The results? Well, 10 minutes after publishing the link at Facebook, I received 20 new leads. Now, I have got 718 leads with ONE campaign! Wow!! THANK YOU!"


Travis Luedke Image

"Well Over 15,000 Leads!"

"I have found UpViral is more effective than any other giveaway software/platform I've tried... It's my "go-to" lead collecting tool for all my giveaways. It's so versatile, with so many options, I'm still playing with it to learn new ways to use it. To date, I've collected well over 15,000 leads with UpViral."



More Case Studies

Niek Theebom

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How Michael Winter Went from 0 to 3,100+ Leads In Less Than A Week Using UpViral’s $1 Trial


A Viral Strategy That Gets You 3,000 Leads In 2 Weeks [Case Study]